RSA-Padding - N1CTF

Challenge Points: 303 Challenge is running on the service: nc 23333 After surpassing the Proof of Work, we get the following challenge: On selecting the option get code, we get the following code that is being used for encryption: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding=utf-8 -*- from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, GCD, bytes_to_long from hashlib import sha256 import random import signal import sys, os signal.alarm(20) m = b"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" n = 21727106551797231400330796721401157037131178503238742210927927256416073956351568958100038047053002307191569558524956627892618119799679572039939819410371609015002302388267502253326720505214690802942662248282638776986759094777991439524946955458393011802700815763494042802326575866088840712980094975335414387283865492939790773300256234946983831571957038601270911425008907130353723909371646714722730577923843205527739734035515152341673364211058969041089741946974118237091455770042750971424415176552479618605177552145594339271192853653120859740022742221562438237923294609436512995857399568803043924319953346241964071252941 e = 3 def proof(): strings = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzWOERFJASKL" prefix = "".join(random.sample(strings, 6)) starwith = str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) pf = """ sha256("%s"+str).hexdigest().startswith("%s") == True Please give me str """%(prefix, starwith) print(pf) s = input().strip() if sha256((prefix+s).encode()).hexdigest().startswith(starwith): return True else: return False def cmd(): help = """ 1. get code 2. get flag Please tell me, what you want? """ while True: print(help) c = input().strip() if c == "1": return True elif c == "2": return False else: print("Enter Error!") def main(): if not proof(): print("Check Failed!") return welcom() if cmd(): f = open("") print( return mm = bytes_to_long(m) assert pow(mm, e) != pow(mm, e, n) sys.stdout.write("Please give me a padding: ") padding = input().strip() padding = int(sha256(padding.encode()).hexdigest(),16) c = pow(mm+padding, e, n) print("Your Ciphertext is: %s"%c) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Upon selecting the get flag option, the following computation is done: $$c \equiv (flag + sha256(input))^3\mod n$$ where input is an input string that we give to the server, sha256() is a function that generates integer representation of SHA-256 hash of the input and c is the corresponding ciphertext. ...

March 12, 2018 · Ashutosh Ahelleya