Challenge Points: 182
Challenge Description:
In the halloween party, we want to half a delicious but small cake!
- Find Elliptic Curve parameters from given points on the curve
- Find x-coordinate of 2*P, given y-coordinate of 2*P
- Invert 2 over mod (P.order()) and multiply the result with 2*P to get P
- Submit ASIS{P.x} as the flag
In case you are new to Elliptic Curves, you can read about them in my library here
Preliminary Analysis
We are given a script that implements a basic Elliptic Curve (Weierstraas model)
$$ y^2 \equiv x^3 + a*x + b\mod p $$
#!/usr/bin/env python
from fastecdsa.curve import Curve
from fastecdsa.point import Point
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from secret import EC_params, flag, Q
p, a, b, q, Px, Py = EC_params
C = Curve('halloween', p, a, b, q, Px, Py)
P = Point(Px, Py, curve = C)
P1 = Point(p + 1, 467996041489418065436268622304855825266338280723, curve = C)
P2 = Point(p - 1, 373126988100715326072483107245781156204485119489, curve = C)
P3 = Point(p + 3, 245091091146774561796627894715885724307214901148, curve = C)
assert (2*P).x == Q.x
assert bytes_to_long(flag) == P.x
assert ((-1) * Q).y == 621803439821606291947646422656643138592770518069
The script is importing EC parameters from a secret file, hence our first task becomes recovering the Elliptic Curve parameters.
Notice that we are given three points on the curve: P1
, P2
and P3
, coordinates of which are known to us. We can use these points to get the values of curve parameters.
Retrieving EC parameters
Let \(P_1 = (x_1, y_1)\), \(P_2 = (x_2, y_2)\) & \(P_3 = (x_3, y_3)\)
This implies:
\(y_1^2 = x_1^3 + a*x_1 + b \mod p\)
\(y_2^2 = x_2^3 + a*x_2 + b \mod p\)
\(y_3^2 = x_3^3 + a*x_3 + b \mod p\)
Substituting values of \(P_1 = (x_1, y_1)\), \(P_2 = (x_2, y_2)\) & \(P_3 = (x_3, y_3)\) and solving for a, b, p, we get:
p = 883097976585278660619269873521314064958923370261
b = 433481663214462017150295835098295925800218140157
a = 48029713913392144447486256568923103286673283937
assert (2*P).x == Q.x
assert bytes_to_long(flag) == P.x
assert ((-1) * Q).y == 621803439821606291947646422656643138592770518069
As one can see, our goal is to find the x-coordinate of \(P\), which is the flag.
It is given that x-coordinate of \(P’ = 2*P\) (scalar multiplication) is equal to x-coordinate of \(Q\). Note, this can only happen when y-coordinate of \(Q\) is an additive inverse of y-coordinate of \(P’\).
Let us try to understand the reason behind the above:
- Consider an Elliptic Curve \(y^2\equiv x^3 + a*x + b\mod p\),
- If two points A = (x1, y1) and B = (x2, y2) have same x-coordinate, then we can write:
- \(y_1^2 \equiv c\mod p \)
- \(y_2^2 \equiv c\mod p \)
- Provided y1 != y2, we can say that \(y_1 \equiv -y_2 \mod p\) as:
- \(y_1^2 \equiv (-y_2)^2 \equiv c\mod p\)
We are given y-coordinate of \((-1)*Q\), which implies that we are given the y-coordinate of \(P’\)
On the basis of observations above, we can draw the Elliptic Curve and mark relevant points:
Note that the above diagram is made for Curve over \(\mathbb{R}\), whereas our Curve is defined over \(GF(p)\), but the idea remains the same! Also, \(P+P == 2*P\)
Values of a, b, p in our challenge are as follows:
a = 48029713913392144447486256568923103286673283937
b = 433481663214462017150295835098295925800218140157
p = 883097976585278660619269873521314064958923370261
We computed the x-coordinate of Q by running the following function in Mathematica:
Solve[x^3 + 48029713913392144447486256568923103286673283937 x +
837637963235166117552443765282645351326329278968 == 0, x, Modulus
Alternatively, you can also use roots() in sagemath:
a = 48029713913392144447486256568923103286673283937
b = 433481663214462017150295835098295925800218140157
p = 883097976585278660619269873521314064958923370261
P.<X> = PolynomialRing(GF(p))
Source: HATS SG team’s solution script -
Recovered x-coordinate of \(Q\) as: 708927573459527177103235542148826237228344428002
Since x-coordinate of \(Q\) and that of \(P’=2*P\) is the same, we have both x and y-coordinates of \(P’\).
Knowledge of both coordinates of \(2*P\) would be adequate to get coordinates of \(P\)
Let the order of subgroup generated by \(P\) be ordP. We can then write:
\(2*P = P’ \)
\(P = ({2^{-1}\mod ord_P})*P’ \)
But, how do we find order of subgroup generated by \(P\)?
We know from Lagrange’s Theorem that order of the subgroup generated by a point \(P\) on the curve is a factor of cardinality of the curve.
But if \(P\) is a generator, then order of the subgroup generated by \(P\) is exactly equal to the cardinality of the curve. We can find out cardinality of a curve \(E\) using the following function in python/sage:
Cardinality of our curve has several factors: [3, 5, 13, 257, 134021890447, 97090721460179, 1354215209508238123] and order of \(P\) can be a factor of combination of any of these factors.
But we went on further anyway, assuming that P is a generator for the curve given in this challenge and got the correct coordinates :)
You can read the full solution script here:
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sage.all import *
y1 = 467996041489418065436268622304855825266338280723
y2 = 373126988100715326072483107245781156204485119489
y3 = 245091091146774561796627894715885724307214901148
b = 433481663214462017150295835098295925800218140157
a = 48029713913392144447486256568923103286673283937
p = 883097976585278660619269873521314064958923370261
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b])
P1 = E((p+1, y1))
P2 = E((p-1, y2))
P3 = E((p+3, y3))
Q_y = -621803439821606291947646422656643138592770518069 % p
_2P_y = 621803439821606291947646422656643138592770518069
# Use Mathematica to solve, sagemath's solve_mod shows overflow
# Solve[x^3 + 48029713913392144447486256568923103286673283937 x + 837637963235166117552443765282645351326329278968 == 0, x, Modulus ->883097976585278660619269873521314064958923370261]
Q_x = 708927573459527177103235542148826237228344428002L
_2P_x = Q_x
Q = E((Q_x, Q_y))
_2P = E((_2P_x, _2P_y))
print Q
print "\n"
print _2P
assert _2P[0] == Q[0]
list1 = [3, 5, 13, 257, 134021890447, 97090721460179, 1354215209508238123]
_cardinality = reduce(lambda i, j: i*j, list1)
tP = inverse_mod(2, _cardinality)*_2P
if 2*tP == _2P:
print "Voila! P:", tP
On running the above code, we got the coordinates of P as: (804028439497151963978256498500182891314861988389, 272052071247970914287181631972199909106801861256)
Flag: ASIS{804028439497151963978256498500182891314861988389}
In case of any query, feedback or suggestion, feel free to comment or reach me out on Twitter!