Polynomial Interpolation

I have been reading the paper – “How to Share a Secret” in detail for the past few weeks, a revolutionary research paper written by Adi Shamir. This paper, applies some of the concepts of Number Theory and Algebra, one of which is polynomial interpolation, and has been used to construct a secure and reliable key management system. The theorem is simple and easy to understand, and has been applied in the best way one ever could. ...

May 31, 2017 · Ashutosh Ahelleya

CBC Bit Flipping Attack

In this blog post, the attack on CBC mode of block cipher encryption will be discussed and in the end, detailed writeup for the 16th challenge of Matasano-Crypto-Challenge i.e. about the Bit Flipping Attack in AES-CBC will be provided with explanation! I want the reader to go through these concepts discussed in the following blog posts, before actually understanding how the CBC Bit-Flipping Attack works: Mode Detection Oracle Blocksize Detection Oracle We will list down all the information one must have access to, in order to initiate this attack: ...

May 3, 2017 · Ashutosh Ahelleya